Me Matties, tis' time to explore the world and learn all it holds to know! Treasure needs a searchin' and a diggin', but when it's raining between your fingers a grinning you will be. So come with me, let's find the keys!
Currently, I teach online science for 6th-8th grade and Environmental Science and Earth Space Science for high school.
Weekly, we meet for 150 minutes via Blackboard Collaboration.
Class Participation or Making up an Absence
Students are expected to attend class and actively participate in class.
If a student is unable to attend they are expected to:
1. Watch the recording of the live class, take notes and send me your notes.
2. Spend the equivalent amount of missed class time working on assignments. The assignments can be found on the Canvas course.
We will complete most of the book work together. Students will be expected to work on some assignments independently, such as: videos, interactive science games, vocabulary studying, quizzes, paragraph writing...
Some time will be given for students to work in class. Any assignments not completed during class time is homework and is due by the Monday after which it was assigned.
The Environmental Science students also need to complete an In the News... assignment each week.
All assignments can be found on the Canvas course.
Proper capitalization is required at all times.