The Creative Teacher
Unlocking Knowledge


                                          Knowledge is a Treasure!

Me Matties, tis' time to explore the world and learn all it holds to know!  Treasure needs a searchin' and a diggin', but when it's raining between your fingers a grinning you will be.  So come with me, let's find the keys!

Proper Capitalization is About Honor and Respect

There are two capitalization rules.

1.     Capitalize the first word of a sentence.

2.     Capitalize proper nouns.


The purpose of the first rule is to separate ideas.

The purpose of the second rule is about honor and respect.  



Rightly or wrongly, people will judge you based on proper capitalization.

When you take the time to capitalize properly you will be perceived as more intelligent by others.  You will get better grades because the quality of your work will be better as you will have taken more care and thought about what you are turning in. I want all of you to be perceived as intelligent people who care enough to do well at the tasks assigned to you.


I expect proper capitalization from my students in everything that they type. 

When students capitalize properly I feel more respect for them because they are taking the time and effort to respect me and my profession.
